Distance: 4 miles. Start and Finish at the Three Trees
This walk is totally dog friendly, do not be put off by the short section along the A5, as it is not very long, there is a foot path, and for the most part you are protected from the traffic by a crash barrier. This section aside, the walk has varied aspects being partly wooded and is mostly flat easy walking.
Up Pound Hill to Green End, turn right down to Home Farm which you pass keeping to the lane. Where the lane takes a sharp right go through the broken stile into Duncombe Wood. Keep straight on, along the well trodden path passing 2 ponds until you reach Wood Lodge. Through the gate with leylandii arch and through the ensuing Iron Gate onto the old A5. Turn right and follow footpath for ½ mile. Turn right along the bridleway down to Rammamere Farm. Straight through Farm passing the ménage on your right and through small field to Rammamere Heath/Bragenham Wood. Keep to the sandy track avoiding any temptation to fork left until you reach Heath Road.
Turn right and after 100 yards turn left into Stockgrove estate, be sure to take the right hand gate, with Greensand Ridge Walk sign on it.
Follow track for ½ mile and at the crossroads in the tracks turn right. Exit the woods after 100 yards, cross 2 fields and then down the steep path in the woods. Turn right through the gate at the bottom, cross the bridge over the stream and up Cuff Lane to the Three Trees.
Close all gates behind you and leave nothing behind but footprints!
There are many variations possible on this walk, it can be shortened by turning right immediately prior to passing into Rammamere Heath which will bring you across fields to Home Farm as per the Hill Bottom Spinney walk. It can be lengthened in numerous ways once you enter Rammamere Heath by talking the tracks off to the left, or going deeper into Stockgrove once you reach the crossroads in the foot path.