Chris Leech
07802 288316
Great Brickhill Parish Council is normally comprised of 7 members, and meets on the 1st Tuesday each month at 19:30 in the Parish Hall, apart from the month of August.
All parishioners are welcome to attend our meetings, but comment during the meetings is limited to the public participation section unless otherwise invited by The Chair.
We aim to finish our meetings by 21:30
Notices of Parish Council meetings are also posted on the Notice Board by the Parish Hall
The AGM is held in May, with reports made by the Parish, District & County Councillors as well as by a representative of the local police, High Ash School, the Cricket Club, Parish Hall Committee and other village bodies. General public comment is encouraged and all parishioners are invited to attend.
Agenda & Minutes can be found here
07802 288316
01525 261881
01525 290458
Clerk to the Council
07748 768281
01525 261523
07887 564394