1. Purpose of the Committee
1.1 Great Brickhill Parish Council (“GBPC") is the qualifying body for the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan (“the Plan”) for its civil parish area. GBPC has agreed to establish a Steering Committee (“the Committee") to facilitate the delivery of this plan-making function. GBPC has granted delegated authority in exercise of all relevant plan-making functions to the Committee.
1.2 The Committee will:
agree a project timetable and endeavour to secure compliance;
confirm, subject to consultation with GBPC, the scope of the Plan
establish a website either as a subdivision of the GBPC website or as a standalone open to all members of the public
appoint suitable professional specialists to assist in and advise on the preparation of the Plan
work with GBPC to arrange adequate finance for the employment of the specialists and to meet the cost of expenses incurred in the preparation of the Plan
agree and pursue project communication, consultation and engagement strategy
following analysis of early and subsequent community engagement approve all background and evidence based reports prior to publication
agree, subject to ratification by GBPC, a final submission version of the Plan
actively support and promote the preparation of the Plan at all times work in conjunction with and on behalf of GBPC
1.3 The Committee will be established for a time-limited period. The Committee is intended to run until the Plan is approved by Buckinghamshire Council and published.
2. Committee Objective
2.1 The objective of the Committee is to produce a Plan that defines the planning, transport, housing, employment, communal facilities, preservation and protection of historical and natural assets and other policies identified by the community as they affect the parish taking into account all representations made during the plan-making process and having regard to all relevant existing plans and evidence.
2.2 The Plan will take account of all national and local authority planning policies
3. Committee Membership
3.1 The Committee will comprise the following members:
the Chairperson of GBPC and one other parish councillor
Volunteer members of the parish who are resident within the boundaries of the parish up to a maximum of 15. The Committee will use its best endeavours to ensure that the volunteers represent all ages and all areas within the parish and includes and representatives of as many genders and ethnic groups as possible
Members will at all times ensure that their individual interests are not reflected in the actions and policies of the Committee. Where there is a conflict of interest it should be declared before any relevant discussion or action is taken
Any volunteer member of the Committee may be removed by a majority vote of the other members of the Committee if they feel that his/her continued membership is not in the interests of the preparation of the Plan
3.2 The Committee will elect a Chairperson and Secretary and such other officers as the Committee determine
3.3 The Committee will appoint from its members such sub-committees and individuals as it considers necessary from time to time to carry out the objectives of the Committee
3.4 The Committee will meet once a month and will report to GBPC and publish the minutes of the meeting on the Committee’s website