Views of the Parish were heard in the June Survey, answered by 285 of our 800 residents with the results presented in the Summer Exhibition

The Steering Group is working on a detailed draft of the Plan to accommodate those views, in a form acceptable to Buckinghamshire Council and by the Parish in a Referendum

We will complete this asap, but other inputs such as a Housing Needs Assessment are necessary, so this may take some time

There are many variables in this process including a new Government, new planning policies and external parties interested in the outcome, though preparation of a robust plan remains urgent and important for the Parish
We will use the Notice Boards, the Parish News and the Village WhatsApp Group to communicate with residents


  • The Parish Council decided to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan to have a stronger voice on Planning Applications

  • The Plan typically takes up to two years to complete. The Steering Group intend to take rather less

For further information or to get involved, please email the Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group via the Contact Us button below

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