Key information

Great Brickhill Parish Council Responsibilities can be downloaded using this link : Parish Council Responsibilities
Great Brickhill Parish Council Freedom of Information policy can be downloaded using this link : Freedom of Information Policy
Great Brickhill Parish Council Data Protection Policy can be downloaded using this link : Data Protection Policy
Great Brickhill Parish Council Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded using this link : Safeguarding Policy
Organisations within the Parish may apply to the Parish Council for a small grant to assist with funding for a specific project. Our policy on the awarding of such a grant, and the procedure for applying is outlined in the following document : Grant Awarding Policies
If you have a complaint about the conduct of the Parish Council, refer to the document in the link for the correct procedure to follow : Complaints Procedure

Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council information pages can be found at: or Tel: 0300 131 6000

The adult social care team can be called on 01296 387021
To report potholes and other road defects: 01296 382416 or online at Bucks report-it-pothole
The Winter Maintenance pages can be found here