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In great brickhill

(listed alphabetically)


Mondays 8.00-9.30pm, Thursdays 2.00-4.00pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Debbie Pincott on 07854 295690 or

Bell Ringing Tower

Captain David Middleton

For more information,

Book Club

Held in the Parish Hall Meeting Room on 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Contact Margaret Young on 07789 908680 or

Bus Services
There are 2 bus stops in the village, situated at the top and bottom of Pound Hill (near the Old Red Lion and near High Ash school respectively).

Meets in the Parish Hall 1:30-3:30pm every Monday, feel free to come by for a cup of tea and good company.

Education - Primary

Great Brickhill offers outstanding education from 2-11 years old.

Little Ashes Pre-school runs every Monday to Friday mornings in term time, located in The Parish Hall, contact Charlene Vanderpuye on 07855 215154 or find them at

High Ash School, our local Church of England school caters for children up to the age of 11 is located at the top of Pound Hill Tel: 01525 261620 or find them at

Education - Secondary
Great Brickhill is in catchment area for the following secondary schools;

Aylesbury Grammar School Tel: 01296 484545

Aylesbury High School Tel: 01296 388 222

Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School, Aylesbury Tel: 01296 424781

Cottesloe School, Wing Tel: 01296 688 264

Gardening Club

Contact Rosemary Howell on 07769 069243 or

Great Brickhill Cricket Club
Great Brickhill is proud to boast one of the very best village facilities out there. Fuelling a variety of teams from junior to extremely competitive senior teams, youngsters can get involved in summer evenings at ‘Badgers’. For more information, call the Cricket Club Pavilion on 01525 261434 or find them at

Good Companions

A club for the over 50’s meets alternate Wednesdays at 2:30pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Roger Blofeld on 07790 742540 or


Tuesdays 1.30-2.30pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Jennifer Walker on 07460 015142 or

The Parish Council maintains 3 play areas situated close to The Village Hall. An enclosed area containing swings, springers, climbing frames etc. for 3-8 year olds, an area containing swings, large mesh swinger and roundabout located next to the Spinney, and a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) which is adjacent to the tennis courts. A trim trail also exists in The Spinney.

Great Brickhill is served by Thames Valley Police The following links and telephone numbers are applicable:

Thames Valley Police website :

Use the 'Contact Us' page on the Thames Valley Police site to report a crime or traffic offence, contact staff and other related matters. Dial 999 in an emergency

Non-emergency telephone number: 0845 8505505

Please note that the call centre which handles the 0845 numbers is the same as for 999 numbers, and the operator may deal with your call as an emergency if they have reason to suppose the reason for the call has a high priority

For recently reported crimes in our area visit:

Postal Services

A post office service is available Mondays in the Parish Hall from 1.00-3.00pm. Post box collections from Cross End/Lower Way and Church End are made Mon-Fri 9:00am and Sat 7:00am ; collection from Green End/Home Farm Lane are Mon-Fri 5:00pm and Sat 10:00am


St Mary-the-virgin Church, Lower Way,
Rector – Revd John Waller 01525 261062

Short Mat (Indoor) Bowls

Fridays 1.30-4.00pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Roger Blofeld on 07790 742540 or

Table Tennis

Dementia-Friendly Table Tennis starts on Monday 3rd October at 3.45pm. Contact Stephen on 07815 123225 or Mondays 3.30-8.00pm, Tuesdays 2.30-4.30pm in the Parish Hall. Contact David Bratt on 07748 768281 or

Tennis Club
Great Brickhill Tennis Club is very active in the Milton Keynes tennis leagues, running a variety of mens, ladies and mixed teams. For more information find them at

The Old Red Lion
Wonderful pub with breathtaking views across the vale, located at the village centre: call 01525 261715 or find them at

Three Locks Golf Club
Superb undulating course offering challenges to beginners and advanced players alike. Find them at

Village News
Great Brickhill Parish News, published monthly, editors;
Merryl Jenkins & Carys Underwood; Tel:07811 226728 Fax 01525 261565 email:

Women's Institute (W.I.)
Meets 8.00pm, 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Parish Hall. Contact Amanda Cox on or 01525 261476

Youth Café

Ages 11-18 held Fridays from 6.30pm-8.30pm in the Parish Hall. More information at